Thursday, March 10, 2011

What Does Wildcard Mean In Baseball

Recensione un gelido inverno

Regia di Debra Granik with Jennifer Lawrence, John Hawkes, Kevin Breznahan, Dale Dickey, Garret Dillahunt, Shelley Waggener, Lauren Sweetser, Ashlee Thompson, William White, Casey MacLaren, Isaiah Stone, Valerie Richards, Beth Domann, Tate Taylor, Cody Brown, Ronnie Hall, Sheryl The

Review by Mimmot

Forget America's glamorous Fifth Avenue or the exclusive high-rise luxury Upper East Side, forget Beverly Hills and Santa Monica, Hollywood and Sunset Boulevard's elegant, dell'agiatezza forget America and the picturesque landscape, here we are among the lost lands of Missouri, in raw, bleak, cold landscape of the Ozarks mountains, a place grim, grim and inospitale. Sono i luoghi dell’America rurale, cattiva, spietata.
Ozarks, appunto, quasi montagne anche se è solo un altipiano, tra gli Appalachi a destra e le Montagne Rocciose a sinistra.
E questi nel Missouri sono i luoghi più remoti della provincia americana, da affrontare  con coraggio e a muso duro, dove la vita e difficile e l'America edulcorata dei manifesti è solo un miraggio. Ed è qui, nel cuore di questo freddo altipiano, che è ambientato il film di Debra Granik, " Un gelido inverno ", aderente trasposizione cinematografica del romanzo omonimo di Daniel Woodrell, autore che nutre le sue opere della stessa atmosfera che avvolge i luoghi che ama e che conosce molto bene.

In this land on the edge of the United States, in an old wooden shack, lives Ree, a seventeen year old girl crushed by poverty and become an adult too quickly. Ree
cradle a dream of flight, that never come true: join the army of the United States. In the meantime, she is forced to take care of her two brothers, making the place of his mother, fell into depression for the misdeeds of her husband.
Ree has spent his young life dedicated to his family, taking care of younger siblings, getting them food, worrying about going to school, doing the real work that other kids his age play, to play with dolls . She also is not a lot of trouble fault of his own: his father, in fact, a small producer of amphetamines (like most other men in the community) is jailed for drug dealing. It is now out of prison and before he disappeared into thin air, has mortgaged the house where her family lives and the forest that surrounds it, to pay a deposit and enjoy an interlude of freedom, before secure a conviction.
were not present at the hearing soon, the cabin and the wood would be confiscated and Ree and her family put into the street. To avert the danger
Ree he began traveling in the footsteps of his father, to force him to appear in court. Journey, however, perhaps it is too big a word because the journey is an aspiration, a necessity, the soul is the place where dreams are born great and runs fast mind, where time is poetry and a step is never equal to that which preceded it, or what will follow.
here is not so, because the trip Ree, born of the need, need to find out what happened to his father, not to lose all that remains is to continue to fight for the survival of his family.

[...] Read the full review of the film A cold winter on


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