Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Big Short Poofy Dresses

The watercolor

The watercolor painting technique is wrongly regarded as the simplest, but rather, is one of the most difficult, because the errors are easily correctable.
In fact, in this technique, obtained by overlapping several washes, the color remains clear, then the error bound remains visible.
The colors are obtained with the pigments together with a binder, usually gum arabic, and diluted in water. They are available in different sizes, the cheapest and the pads are used to color dry naturally diluted in water.

The paper is important because if you use the regular drawing paper, because of water use, it tends to crumble and fold the edges, you should use paper with a high concentration of cotton, and you can also add additional support, or a wooden table, on which the sheet is fastened to the edges (especially if you use the method the wet sheet).

brushes are used more than sable, but you can also use the synthetic ones, it is preferable to use those rounded tip, as they absorb water better and with the tip you can refine the details. They can also be used flat brushes for larger drafts. E 'need to clean the brush each time you switch to using the next color, otherwise you might start to mix the colors in the palette.

E ', finally, important to use two containers for water, even simple glasses, serving, one to clean the brush, and the other to fetch water for the next color.
order to implement the technique, you can use several methods, such as the preparation of the design in pencil first, and then drawing up the colors, the design will always be visible, as the watercolor as we have said, it remains transparent.
Another method is to wet the paper, where the sheet is just wet, and the color is laid directly on it, expanding the most. According to the effect that you want to give to the drawing, it changes the way where you stand: If you are based on a plan, the color will be better managed by those who made the drawing, but if you put up, and the sheet is placed on a tripod, the color will tend to leak, which is more difficult to manage, as it must be quick in drawing.

Valentina Sannais