Saturday, January 29, 2011

Why Do You Not Swallow Mouthwash

Satvat - Know yourself - acrylic on canvas. 40x60, 2011
Know yourself was the motto engraved above the entrance of the Oracle of Delphi, is also the message of every Buddha, every teacher of truth. But if you investigate thoroughly, there's actually a personality that is finally recognized: it turns out not to be somebody, but to be none. Not in the sense that there is no presence, on the contrary there is a presence that unspeakably vast and very existence. This free, because freed from the limitations, the projections of the ego and suffering.

In this painting I put the Buddha on a carpet woven by the currents of change, in a statue of meditation. The face, in which we place the usual definition of the ego is absent, but the aura is expansive energy, from which to observe the eyes of Buddha that pervades all existence. That look on the whole is part of the whole, it is our very eyes, the clearest and most profound, in which everything is included.

Friday, January 28, 2011

Dalfour Cream Side Effects

Bodhidharma / Diogenes

Satvat - Bodhidharma / Diogenes - acrylic on canvas 40x60 cm, 2011
Bodhidharma brought to China the most esoteric teaching of the Buddha, the enlightenment which is direct flower within the Zen. Waiting for a person mature enough to receive the message, Bodhidharma remained for years in meditation facing to a wall of rock. Similarly, Diogenes was looking for a man worthy of being called such, and to emphasize the profound meaning of his research took the lighted lantern even in the daytime, he wanted to find the light of the soul in man, which is what makes us truly human.

In this dramatic moment, hurt by the worst expropriation of the soul, the figures of Bodhidharma Diogenes and show our responsibility, that there is primarily, as human beings, keeping the candle lit interior, despite the darkness that weighs around.

Where To Buy Konad In Stores

Flowering spiritual

Satvat - Flowering spiritual - acrylic on canvas 40x60 cm, 2011

Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Benefits Of Eating Beeswax

Communication Service!

Hello girls,

this time I am not writing for a review but simply to tell you that I'm leaving tomorrow! I will go first in Abruzzo (from my boyfriend) and then on a skiing holiday in Trentino! I'll be back on February 7, and from tomorrow on that date you will not be about me. I do not think I will have the opportunity to connect and if mai l'avessi sarebbe per poco! Qualcuna potrebbe dire: e chi se ne fregaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa! XD
Avrei voluto lasciarvi almeno con una review sui rossetti Shiny di Kiko ma non ho avuto il tempo di fare le foto con gli swatches e non mi sembra il caso di farvele a luce artificiale! Al ritorno provvederò a farla!
Beh, a presto :-)


What Is The Width Of The Central Maximum

Satvat - Drawing on the source of unity - acrylic on canvas 40x60 cm, 2011
This figure shines a light vaguely androgynous, and has only one breast from which flows a stream that fills a cup of milk green, a symbol of the Grail and the heart. The robe of red-magenta symbolizes compassion. Behind the head stands the crescent, so as to depict the bull's horns which are mythically associated with the Feminine and the Mother Earth, the complex symbolic female / moon / earth / cow / milk is of great importance in many cultures.

I understood to mean that the Buddha (the consciousness Universal awakened) presents the loving breast of Truth One, from which we draw spiritual nourishment that fills our hearts, making it a grail of soul transmutation.

Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Kim Kardashian's Bedroom Furniture

Drawing on both the source of the mystery of the dragon-stick

Satvat - The mystery of the dragon-stick - acrylic on canvas 40x60 cm, 2011
With this painting I thought a famous phrase of the Zen master Unmon: "This club has been transformed into a dragon and has swallowed the Universe." In the Zen master's stick is the backbone to channel the vital energy, and the vertical dimension / spiritual with the shot stick, il maestro provoca il discepolo al Risveglio. Quando Unm on   dice che il suo bastone si trasforma in drago, vuol dire in qualcosa che è puramente misterico e inafferrabile. La non-mente Zen sorpassa sia il conosciuto che il conoscibile, affondando saggiamente nel mistero che "inghiotte l'Universo" con l a pura testimonianza del qui-e-ora.

Nel dipinto mostro che è effettivamente la figura il fulcro della trasformazione in drago, come mostra l'accentuazione metamorfica del volto; il bastone diventa drago per simboleggiare la fermentazione misterica della consapevolezza. L'aureola è formata dall'enso, il cerchio Zen che rappresenta la Totalità Being and Non-Being, from its center part a little graphic that recalls the oriental calligraphy more "abstract", called a "blade of grass", meaning that it is inexplicable from the center of everything that draws the most fascinating language creative.

Is Landlord Responsible For Termite

Powerpoint Eye Pencil - Engraved MAC

Ciao ragazze, oggi vi parlo della mia matita occhi nera preferita.. quella che io considera LA matita! Si tratta della Powerpoint Eye Pencil di Mac nella colorazione Engraved:

(Clicca per ingrandire)

(Clicca per ingrandire)

Come si presenta?:  Si tratta di una matita di un nero molto intenso e soprattutto waterproof. La mina è morbida al punto giusto, ciò ci consente di poterla sfumare ma nell'immediato poiché, una volta asciugata, è difficile poter procedere con la sfumatura. In poche parole si fissa sulla pelle. La matita contiene 1.2 grammi di prodotto e purtroppo non so quando scade perché non è riportato né sulla matita né sulla scatola!

Cosa ne penso?:  E' la seconda volta che la ricompro e quando finisco un prodotto e lo ricompro significa che lo considero veramente eccellente. Prima di utilizzare questa matita utilizzavo l'automatica di Collistar e mi trovavo anche benissimo, ma la mina era troppo corta e quindi mi toccava comprarne una nuova ogni due mesi circa. Con questa ho risolto il problema! L'ho comprata per la prima volta a marzo 2010 e l'ho finita a dicembre utilizzandola tutti i giorni.. insomma non c'è male!
Ma andiamo al dunque! E' veramente molto resistente. Io ho gli very watery eyes and stands up very much! I noticed that resists more than a day in the evening, but even if the morning is a bit 'will give you absolutely no way effect the panda! I use it for going to the gym and sweat resistant! It 'also a test of the water, shower and crying to no end!
The color is intense enough even though I've noticed that sometimes he writes best when it's just tempered. Maybe he just need to go 1-2 more for a carbon black but it's still a pretty dark black!
The only downside of this pencil is that it has a sponge to soften the back and for me is a big point against him because I always put the pencil on the lid and every time I have to take an old stump of a pencil.
A foresight: when you want to stretch and blend it, do it now! If you wait a bit 'of time in more than a pencil can not be blurred because it is not taken down completely!
To be able to remove you necessarily need a two-stage make-up remover!
short, I will recommend it. With this you will be safe!

The price is 16 € and you can find in stores or in the Mac Coin that part pertaining to the mark!

Rating: 9 .

Here are pictures:

(click to enlarge)

(click to enlarge)

(click to enlarge)

Avrei voluto mettervi anche un video ma oggi Blogger fa le bizze quindi se potrò lo metterò in seguito!
Bene ragazze, spero di esservi stata utile e a presto!


Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Gay Tatoo Band Designs

Colors of Light

Satvat - The colors of light - acrylic on canvas 40x60 cm, 2011
In this picture I have painted the figure of Buddha in black and white while the halo is a current flow of brightly colored, the background is golden. I intended to mean that the figure of the Buddha is absolutely neutral, unidentified and unidentifiable, but if we contemplate can throw into the arms of the aura colors of life, where we cuddled and regenerated. Color is life, and the Buddha is awareness, we are both. This is a mystery of joy, the understanding of which leads us to see that the existence, beyond what may be our projections, is pure gold.

Tuesday, January 18, 2011

High Soft Cervix And Cramps

The Laughing Buddha

Satvat - Hotei, the Laughing Buddha - Acrylic on canvas. 40x60, 2011
The figure of the Laughing Buddha was born in ancient China and has had a great popularity in Japan, where it is seen as a god of fortune and prosperity. Very Zen painting, Hotei (Buda) is depicted fat and grotesque, with a big bag from which he draws gifts and sweets to share with anyone. The Buddha does not speak and did not appear at all bathed by the sober silence of the other Buddha, his teaching is its contagious laugh out loud, and in his lavish distribution of gifts. It 's interesting to note that it was considered an incarnation of Buddha Maytreya, the Buddha of the future. Hotei I believe that it affects us directly, since it can teach us the simple celebration, sharing and not take us seriously, all precious things we have forgotten.

In this painting I have placed the figure on a rich green background, color of prosperity and naturalness. Its exhibits spiral as the proverbial round belly, as a whole that contains everything. From big bag open flows a thick cascade of gifts symbolized with geometric shapes and colorful.

Monday, January 17, 2011

Can You Bust A Chancre

Satvat - Clear invariable - acrylic on canvas 40x60 cm, 2011
Regardless of the dark clouds that cross the course of life, who focuses enters the heart of Rainbow Street, which is always a glimpse of heaven invariably peaceful. With the innocent eyes of awareness, we realize that the pot of gold, a mythical buried at the end of the rainbow, is always present, beyond the transitional appearances.

Saturday, January 15, 2011

Laboratory 5: Cell Respiration Answers

The key to an artistic wisdom

Satvat - The key to wisdom - acrylic on canvas. 40x60, 2011
I intended to paint a Buddha at all iconographic and intimately human, giving a specific expression on the face. So the image takes the view that the interior can not be expressed, but which reveals itself in the climate of the picture and points out that in the mudra drawn hands. Although human, so each corresponding to, by virtue of its inner resonance shape is like a beacon capable of illuminating the cosmos teeming currents of change, his robe is a curtain of light that a suit covered. My intention was to express our inalienable awareness, "Buddha nature", which can be recognized when we turn within, expanding freely in the non-dimensional spiritual. This is the key to wisdom.