You seem wonderful: try all possible tricks,
you hide, but there disguised ... all in vain,
because whatever you do, will come to nothing:
you're a stay of the Buddha and Buddha.
I dedicated this cycle of my painting artistic and meditative exploration of the "Buddha nature" . In working on this issue, my intention was not religious or canon in effect for Buddhism, despite its reference to the historical Buddha Siddhartha Gautama, the Buddha is not a God to worship, some seated in the Heavenly Kingdom, but is a reflection of the "Buddha nature" that is in every human being, such as presence awareness and freed from the slavery of the mind / body . We have forgotten her, identifying with our automatic and reactivity with the projections of the mind, but this is our deepest nature: freedom and peace are our birthright.
For millennia, Oriental Art has created images of the Buddha to reflect the man ignored this inalienable wealth, but in reality, the Buddha has to do with the East, with neither a religion nor a culture. Buddha means "awakened," meaning that it is a Buddha who has awakened from the dream of illusion, and includes only the essential truth, recognizing themselves as being universal, harmonious and imperturbable. Therefore, the way I see it, every teacher of truth, beyond any doctrinal or geographical location, is a Buddha, but so is every human being, even if asleep, as long as you wake up and can see with ineffable clarity have always been a Buddha, and that suffering was the result of misunderstandings, desires and attachments.
seems to me that the collective dream of humanity non sia mai stato tanto oscuro e dolente com'è oggi, perché ci siamo ingannati nel materialismo sino a perdere ogni referente spirituale, e non intendo in senso fideistico e morale; è soprattutto la connessione profonda con noi stessi, con il nostro tesoro nascosto, che stiamo insultando. Per questo la crisi globale è tanto profonda e mancante di vie d'uscita, perché abbiamo smesso ogni contatto con la Sorgente da cui potrebbe nascere il nuovo, in modo creativo, amorevole, appassionato. Sento che la figura del Buddha, in senso universale, ci può riconvertire ad uno sguardo meditativo, ad una investigazione interiore che riveli ciò che essenzialmente siamo, ispirandoci, purificandoci, benedicendoci e trasmettendoci una vitale energia.
Credo che il compito dimenticato dell'Arte sia quello d'ispirare profondamente l'essere umano, fornendo un cibo sottile e difficile da trovare altrimenti. Questo hanno sempre sentito gli artisti e gli amanti dell'Arte, questo hanno proclamato con forza gli araldi dell'Arte Moderna. Poco importa che anche nell'Arte si sia persa la strada, celebrando l'artificio e la stessa negatività che impera ovunque; per ritrovare la via maestra basta un briciolo d'innocenza e di ispirazione, perché quella potenzialità straordinaria è sempre presente nel cuore dell'uomo. Così come il Buddha.
Dopo tanti anni dedicati all'astrattismo della Mu-painting, ho assecondato una precisa inner urge to create icons of the "Buddha nature" (not specifically Buddhist). In my view, at a time as the art critic should try to give some creative suggestions, meditative, soothing and encouraging insights high. Following this path, I found the figure of the Buddha. I did not kill as recommended Zen, the Buddha, because I find that it can be extraordinarily helpful, but in a way I did, giving free expression, non-canonical, existential, universal, fun, I would say innocent. That's why my paintings of Buddha 10000 bearing signs of different spiritual traditions, inventions and intuitive, and languages \u200b\u200bthat intersect at many levels, bringing different styles. Comprehension, each expression of the potential awakening, inspirational and every fermentation, rightly intervened in this workshop, bringing the fanciful paintings and metamorphic many references that are still the bearers of the same compassionate message.
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