Yesterday, the Voyager television spoke at length about the Mayan prophecy - and more - covering the year 2012. I would like to contribute to the discussion on the issue with a piece of my latest novel The Rainbow in 2012; tells of an extraordinary creative adventure that is very significant. Willy-nilly, we are all "tagged" on that picture, but not in 2012 in what already is occurring at the global level, my wish is to be able to find the pearl! Namasté peace peace peace.
"concoct the space of painting, and everything you need. She put a CD of Vivaldi, not later change his clothes, knowing that they would be irreparably soiled, he began to mix the colors. It realized immediately that the creative act had a different quality, never before experienced. The artist proceeded on an impulse, without getting any application, almost without looking at what he was doing. It was as if dictated to execute a painting, distracted from the meaning and fully attentive impeccability tract. So he slipped into a total involvement, which is boundless in its breast a heady feeling of power, fueled by the smells of paint and rapid movements of the brush. He worked for hours, while the day was consumed without his knowledge. The night found him busy painting, and accompanied him, silent, culminating in the company. When the painting was given the last touch, began to filter the first light of morning. Thomas collapsed in the chair still holding the brush in his hand. By the time the painting had detached from him, as completed, the wave had reached the exhausting fatigue. Still filled with excitement, he closed his eyes for a moment, before considering the overall effect of the work.
The painting was very complex and terrible: they saw a sailboat, which, however, lacked the sails, struggling with a stormy sea, the waters dark and full of menace. But the danger was more serious and insidious: the stern of the vessel is changed into a hideous monster that was raging on the ship with destructive fury. This was an unconscious beast, blinded by the darkness of hatred, devouring all things, desperately even on itself. On board agitated Humanity crazy and desperate, a blizzard of figures who were fighting with each other: each was trying to save themselves, harming not hesitate to others. Many people were thrown into the water, trying to escape the terrible fate, but they were swallowed by the waves. Just in front of the bow, he opened up a maelstrom of colorful crazy, reminded Thomas that the colorful vortex of his vision. Eddy sank deep into the stormy sea, but then strangely dated; s'incuneava high in the sky, forming a tornado whirling column upward. The top of this, it coagulates in a luminous globe, which spread like a rising star in the air a blessing multi-colored dust, which had the colors of the rainbow.
Thomas, puzzled, looked at the picture for a long time in silence. Never before had caught his brushes so deeply into the painful wounds of the soul. He seemed to hear the roar of the waves, the screams of the terrified men, and the crackling of the ship creaking under the dual assault of the sea and the monster.
The artist poured a glass of red wine - one of the few luxuries that are still allowed - and then, almost with fear, tried to understand the meaning of what he had dipinto.Gli it was clear that this was a ' allegory of the difficult time that humanity was going through. Quel vascello di disperazione richiamava molto la “nave dei folli”, tema dipinto frequentemente nel medioevo europeo. Mostrava effettivamente la follia dell’uomo, ed era simbolico del tracollo della società contemporanea. L’imbarcazione era privata delle vele perché, a nessun livello della gerarchia sociale, ci si disponeva ad accogliere i venti creativi di una nuova ispirazione, che avrebbe potuto determinare un’innovativa forza propulsiva. Senza le vele, il veliero era sconfitto, ma un pericolo ancor più temibile e forsennato era costituito dal mostro in cui si trasformava la poppa della nave stessa. La terribile fiera era l’incarnazione malevola dei mille conflitti lasciati crescere senza controllo, senza alcun conscious intervention and resolution. She had grown enormously within the social body, in the shadow of the crimes of those powers that the collective and individual, rising to seriously threaten the survival of human beings. Threats unfortunately already working with very sharp teeth: wars, global economic crisis, environmental disaster and resource depletion. As shown in the painting, in this global catastrophe humans came together to work for the common good, without realizing that they had no other hope. Ideologically divided, and especially by a rabid selfishness, we attacked each other for you to download groped their frustrations and their fears, adding odio su odio, dolore su dolore. Così si annichiliva ogni speranza. Quelli che, nel quadro, si gettavano in acqua, perivano a causa del loro terrore.
Se tutto ciò era facilmente interpretabile, più misterioso era il gorgo che si spalancava sotto la prua della nave. Il suo vivace cromatismo rivelava come non fosse semplicemente l’aprirsi d’un baratro infernale. Il colore porta messaggi vitali, perciò annunciava che quel Cariddi rappresentava ben più che un’inevitabile olocausto. Infatti, se prometteva di risucchiare la nave in profondità inesorabili, risbucava poi dal ribollire del mare ascendendo vertiginosamente nel cielo. Portando un dono d’inaspettata speranza: una light of the rainbow. "
From the book The Rainbow of 2012 of Satvat Sergio Della Puppa
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