As someone already knows, the last few months have been quite ... How to tell? Handled. It happens then that my plans and projects have been upset and I literally had to review them fully. Normally not a big problem in this work program changes are not uncommon and I've dealt with them more than once. But if now I'm talking about here is because of some projects I had unwisely announced the release, which momentoa thought to be reasonably safe. Not quite reasonably, it seems. So, everything to be redone, it starts from zero.
For this reason I preferred to delete or heavily modify a couple of previous posts where early exits today is far from certain and will soon announce my publications possible only when it will be absolutely confirmed.
At the moment, so I can only predict the next appearance, on the pages of Newspaper , episodes written by me for the "Logan Gray," created by Stefano Vietti (to whom go my thanks and best wishes for recent second paternity).
For the rest, I'm working on several personal projects with some artists that I wanted in the meeting (grezzissimo, I know!) collage below. With a little 'luck, one day some of the drawings or simple sketches reproduced here today will turn into a series, in which case-but only when there are no doubts, I will give news on this page.

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