Monday, February 28, 2011

Average Dress Size For American Women

Let me try to think about the state of the art, starting with an intimate look at his reason. I mean, from where the meaning and necessity of art? Although it is bad to say, what is its function today? The answer most reliable, even by critics, is that the art is mainly to communicate, to convey emotions without a necessary distinction of quality. It 'a medium that creates trends, media events and sponsorships.

This fundamental misunderstanding, which pollutes our culture thoroughly, came to prominence with the pop-art. Before then there was talk of beauty or specimen, in a more modern, visceral and subversive visionary, but in any case, sought a statement of profound truth, both in the legal sense and in the revolution. But with the pop-art has been crowned regardless of the act of communicating: from art pour l'art was passed to the community for the community, in what has triggered the most glamorous and sophisticated stage set, manipulated at will by holders of charisma media. It has increasingly become less important as the qualitative sense of what is communicated, not giving attention to what you can raise or otherwise encumber the human soul.

If the commitment of Art, at least until the 60 years, had been philosophically to counteract the force of gravity, seducing the soul to the grace and even gambling altitude, Contemporary Art was thrown carelessly into the abyss. Because it is believed that the important thing is to communicate successfully, no matter what or how we express above all the poverty of spirit that surrounds us, fired more and more negative in hedonism. Swimming confused emotions, we stopped to dip with the confidence to find the pearls, and let us be content to wallow in superficial rubbish, provided colorful and somewhat surprising. This is why the art world today is fundamentally the market, which, rather than by the artists, is formed by the anointed media elite: from famous critics and art, especially by traffickers. Not even the public is more important, both the statement now takes place on different channels, not managing more creative ideas but investment figures. And 'the paradox is clear that contemporary art does not really make an audience, although it is auctioned with dizzying amounts: it is artificial and virtual drugs such as finance and strangles that now dominates the world. The strange thing is that no complaint objecting to this in a creative way, the many good contemporary artists seem resigned to the limbo that is imposed on them, while stoically continue to strive for emergence of the mire.

I can not say that art has a function because, as we understand the old school, I feel inspired to, a fruit mature feel. I think it is absolutely necessary to go back, at its root key, to find the link existential and meditative mystery that can afford to evolve, rediscovering naturally creative. To do this in my work life, I talked about this extensively in my books, just that I teach in my classes, and I believe that every occasion is good to stimulate a discussion about it, even with these brief notes.

Dickies Warehouse Singapore


Recensione il truffacuori

Regia di Pascal Chaumeil con Romain Duris, Vanessa Paradis, Julie Ferrier, François Damiens, Hélèna Noguerra, Andrew Lincoln, Jacques Frantz, Amandine Dewasmes, Jean-Yves Lafesse, Jean Marie Paris, Geoffrey Bateman

Recensione a cura di luisa75

Lo scorso mese di ottobre, al cinema Odeon di Firenze, in occasione del France Odeon - Festival del cinema francese, è stato presentato in anteprima nazionale una commedia sentimentale d'azione, niente affatto mielosa, dal sapore tipicamente frankcapriano, che in questi giorni ritroviamo nelle sale per festeggiare S. Valentino.

Protagonista è il bell'Alex Lippi, un ragazzo trentenne che di professione fa "Il truffacuori", o, per meglio dire, lo sfasciacoppie.


Leggi la's review completa del film IL TRUFFACUORI su

39 Weeks Pregnant Sharp Pains


's review Offscreen

Regia di Christoffer Boe con Nicolas Bro, Lene Maria Christensen Karen Margrethe Bjerre Christoffer Boe, Jakob Cedergren, Bjarke they Koning, Trine Dyrholm, Mathilde Norholt, Signe Skov, Niels Weyde, Katrine Wiedemann

's review a Cura di KSTDED

In cineasti Danesi, è cosa nota, sono fuori di testa . Ogni qualvolta ci si avvicina ad una loro pellicola viene istintivo prepararsi a qualcosa di quanto meno insolito. Tuttavia, sistematicamente, non ci si prepara mai a sufficienza e la pellicola di turno finisce per spiazzare lo spettatore. Che piaccia o meno non è rilevante, perché se ne rimarrà sorpresi in ogni caso. " Offscreen ", per esempio. Ecco, se Christoffer Boe col suo precedente lungometraggio, " Allegro ", confermava quanto scritto sopra, con questo suo " Offscreen " riesce a rendere le prime righe di questo scritto forse anche troppo riduttive.
Il regista l'ha definita un'amabile e cruenta tragicommedia.
Arricchire questa lapidaria descrizione con aggettivi come malsana e claustrofobica sarebbe niente affatto fuori luogo.

Il tutto comincia con Nicolas Bro e Christoffer Boe. Nell'interpretare themselves, the first asks the second, the director just as using a video camera. It is his intention to bring it home, take every second of the day, framing and then trying to solve the problems between him and his partner Lene (Lene Maria Christensen, who plays in turn itself). The instrument, however, over the course of the film, will acquire increasingly important in the life of Bro, for him to become the center of his existence, so that his partner will abandon him, which will then also all his friends, leaving him alone with his obsession.

[...] Read the full review of the film offscreen on

Sunday, February 27, 2011

What Is The Song In The Mercedes Benz Commercial

Long Lasting Lip Colour Marker - number 04 (Deep Pink) - Optical Kaleidoscopic Look KIKO

Ciao ragazze, finalmente posto anche io una recensione su questa edizione limitata di Kiko! Vi dirò, solitamente non mi faccio infinocchiare molto dalle edizioni limitate perché costano un po' troppo secondo me e a volte capita che i prodotti sono simili a quelli della collezione permanente..per cui tendo a comprarli al massimo quando sono scontati, ma io sono una gran fan delle tinte per labbra e questa I could not make me go! I found myself very well with the Double Touch ( reviewed HERE) and in short .. this attracted me a lot and I could not try at least! The color I picked is the number 04, Deep Pink

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How does?: This is a very big pennarellone from the tip. Contains 2.5 grams of the product and has a maturity after 12 months of opening.

What do you think?: I'm in a complicated relationship with this color! I must say that I was very excited and many reasons. First you have to have their lips super hydrated .. and let's face it frankly ... who does not even have a small crack in the winter? Personally I have chapped lips in both summer and winter, and then live with the cocoa butter in his hand. Ultimately then, due to a dermatological care rather strong (I'm taking Roaccutan) my lips and my skin is visibly dry, but with a good lip balm and a good face cream I still can handle it pretty well ! But with this color is not to .. and I admit that the problem is my one and only .. In short .. We can not blame the shade if you deposited on the pleats!
But we go to aspetti che possono interessare invece un po' tutte! 

1. Buona profumazione! Leggermente fruttata. Quando l'ho messa la prima volta mi ha quasi messa di buonumore.. mi ricorda un po' le fruittella!!
2. E' effettivamente no transfer: una volta stesa non si trasferisce nei vestiti.. potete anche mettere su un burro cacao e noterete che non si macchia per niente;
3. Secca le labbra, ma rispetto alle Double Touch o ad altri rossetti, lo fa molto meno.. quindi insomma.. questo è sicuramente un punto a suo favore!
4. Essendo una sorta di "acqua colorata" (non prendetemi alla lettera, è tanto per rendere l'idea), una volta stesa sulle labbra (nel caso che riusciste a farlo omogeneamente) sembra che non abbiate nulla sulle labbra e appariranno "naturalmente" colorate, come se fosse il reale colore delle vostre labbra.

1 - Il colore non si stende in modo omogeneo.. bisogna perdere un po' di tempo per stendere questa tinta e quindi non è proprio uno di quei prodotti da usare al volo la mattina!
2 - La punta è troppo grossa e personalmente mi viene difficile fare il contorno labbra;
3 - Siamo sicuri che sia una tinta??? Ragazze, Believe me, I put it to the 13 and after lunch, around 15, I did not hardly! All faded! I pretty much just left the edges around the lips and folds all highlighted .. seemed to have taken a punch! I tried it without eating and I must say that is resistant to most, but over the hour begins to discolor the same .. I do not know ... I will not have acidic saliva mica?
4 - The first time I used it left me with strange lumps on the lips .. as if the tip is crumbling .. Now after a long time 'application does not do it anymore!
5. I hate the packaging .. already the product itself is cheap, but with this packaging will never know when my color is about to end;
6. La fuoriuscita del colore non è regolare. Mi spiego meglio: a volte ne esce di più, a volte di meno, a volte mi tocca pure agitarla per far uscire la tinta;
7. Questo colore poi, non fa molto per me devo dire! Mi piace tantissimo, ma sulle mie labbra svanisce un po' perché le ho abbastanza pigmentate.. quindi mi tocca fare strati su strati e va sempre a finire che mi ritrovo poi due labbroni rossi come se mi avessero pestato.. insomma.. su di me non ha proprio un effetto naturale. Quindi sconsiglio questo colore a chi ha le labbra molto scure!
8. Ho avuto una certa difficoltà nel togliermi la tinta dalle labbra o dalla mano con lo struccante bifasico... e nonostante tutto non riesco davvero a spiegarmi perché vanishes on the lips so easily .. MYSTERY!

I think there is nothing more to say .. if ever I will be in another while I will update you! Well girls, I expected much more. The hand seems to be wonderful, it has a uniform writing .. we have not just on the lips. The long held that the Kiko promised us has not been maintained. Frankly I'm much better with the tint Double Touch. I love the Double Touch but very often I would not bring in the morning because you see that I have something on him because of lipgloss that you have to use this limited edition and was hoping to find a spot that made my lips really natural . No way! Fortuna that I have taken only one!
If you did make a fool of me as, I suggest you only use it at night because the effect of "lips pounded" you'll see a lot less! Also, if you have any cracks, do not put lipgloss or lip balm over the tint because I assure you that it will increase much more!

The price is € 6.90 and you can find in stores or at Kiko .

Rating: 5 .

I leave you to the photos:

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mustache Sorry but I have to go the beautician (lately I've had a bad experience with waxing at home .. now look to take the exam and then I sling to remove):

Solid Mass before lunch:

(Click to enlarge)

Hue after lunch as you can see a hint is left on the edges of the upper lip and folds:

(click to enlarge)

Well girls, I hope to be helpful and see you soon!
the way, someone can tell me if it is better to keep the color head down or head up?


Saturday, February 26, 2011

How To Compere A Function


With this page, in Issue 8 Smoke Ned50 version of China, dated January / February 1991, started my business of comic book writer. And Teresa Marzia began to draw.
twenty years have passed since then.
Jesus ..

Friday, February 25, 2011

Why Do Some Men Grow Their Pinky Nail Long

Glitter Eyeliner - No. 10 (Electric Blue) LAYLA COSMETICS

Hello guys, today we talk about glitter eyeliner. I am totally obsessed with this type of product, I like having so many colors and I think they are very useful to transform what is a trick banalotto into something great! What we have is the number 10 and was kindly donated by my boyfriend (if you're reading this, thanks Tenerooooooooooo):

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How does?: This is an electric blue eyeliner chock full of glitter. The brush is not felt. The vial contains 6 ml of the product and have an expiry date after 12 months of opening.

What do you think?: I think it's really spectacular! I have tried a lot of glitter eyeliner, I have seen many in stores and I've never found one so full of glitter. Usually in glitter eyeliner is made of a transparent gel base and some glitterino scattered here and there. Well, is not the case for this product! When you make your line, the color will be full .. no white space between glitter and the other, but only a cascade of bright blue!
I had heard a lot on the web, I searched for them in my city and I had never seen, then I found them .. L'Aquila, the city of my boy! I was quite a lot 'to cover all the colors .. one is the best .. I would have really taken all if the cost was less, but I had to hold back! I decided to take for the moment only one, just to try it .. but next time I go to L'Aquila someone else beat us for sure .. and I already know what color to throw up!
But let the technical specifications! E 'at the right creamy, easy to apply (and I say that I'm always good 15-20 minutes so I am unable to put the eyeliner) and the brush is also quite easy to use and allows you to create and fine lines that the thicker lines. It is not waterproof and I'm sure .. I tell you a story: I used eyeliner to this birthday of my cousin. My aunt had the brilliant idea to buy one of those torches that are put next to candles on cakes. Well, the light goes off and when it begins to adopt an annoying smell of gas. Result? We were all dying of suffocation! I started coughing like a maniac, I literally closed my throat and I could not breathe .. his eyes were watering profusely! Well .. tell all this to tell you that the eyeliner has resisted, but the tail end of the eye is almost gone, is gone with the rest of tears!
This does not mean that it is a fantastic eyeliner, no doubt the best I have experienced in my life! Really recommend it! It is not just a product of the low cost of Essence, but worth all the money spent and then I'm sure the prices of Essence you will never find a similar product, both in quality and in "beauty".
I really liked to try other products by Layla .. I attract a lot of the Miracle Gloss, but my finances a bit 'will suffer some time! I noticed that I tend to buy regardless of the costs when they are on vacation from my boy, maybe I shall take advantage in those moments!
Ah let me say that I've probably got the color with less glitter, ie, all color swatch in the store I saw blue and green are those which have a more uniform color with glitter and less obvious (and I know that seems strange to say because you would not think in pictures), while in the other colors you see a lot more. Seeking di spiegarmi un po' meglio: credo che il blu e il verde abbiano davvero tanti glitter ma di base avranno anche un colore blu molto intenso o nel caso dell'eyeliner verde, una base verde molto intensa (a differenza degli eyeliner in glitter che si vedono in giro che hanno principalmente una base trasparente); mi sembra invece di ricordare che alcuni degli altri colori (tipo il rosa) avevano una base trasparente ma erano comunque straricchi di glitter tanto da rendere il colore molto omogeneo. Non so se mi sono spiegata!! Chi non avesse capito è libero di lasciarmi un commento per maggiori info.

Il prezzo è di 9.60€. Non so esattamente dove possiate trovarlo! Il mio ragazzo l'ha comprato in uno di quei negozi of beauticians or hairdressers. In my town there is a shop that sells these products Layla but the stand is almost half empty and there are products on the site I've never seen .. then will I think of the paleolithic era.

E 'can also buy it on their site: .

Rating: 9 .

And now the photos:

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Keep in mind that this is one stroke of eyeliner, look at how writing is full of glitter!

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Ah I leave the pictures of the makeup I have done with this eyeliner (who follows me has seen the doubt):

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Here's a video:

Well girls, I hope to be helpful and soon!


Side Effects Of Stopping Yaz

Review Review Review

Review Loose Cannons

Directed by Ferzan Ozpetek with Riccardo Scamarcio, Alessandro Preziosi, Nicole Grimaudo, Lunetta Savino, Ennio Fantastichini, Elena Sofia Ricci, Carolina Crescentini, Ilaria Occhini Daniele Pecci, Massimiliano Gallo, Bianca Nappi, Paola Minaccioni, Matthew Taranto, Carmine bear, Gea

Review by Corinna Spirit (score: 8.5)

Thomas (Riccardo Scamarcio) is a guy who over the years his family had to hide much of what is, to really live and follow her dreams. But now the time to confess everything. Thomas returned to Lecce, his hometown, to reveal to his parents in recent years in Rome, he studied economics, but letters and that he wants more from life is to become a writer and live next to the man who loves. Good intentions are, pity the fate complicate a little 'things, and Thomas is forced to postpone his statements to prolong his visit.

The viewer can be fooled into believing only in the early scenes that "stray Mine" is a film based on the difficulties that still a gay person is forced to face in order to be accepted. In fact, "Mine Vaganti " usa come trampolino di lancio il tema dell'omosessualità, ma poi non si esaurisce in esso, va oltre per sfociare in un'analisi su quanto e come viene accettata la diversità. Quello che è considerato "diverso" cambia di cultura in cultura, di famiglia in famiglia. Ferzan Ozpetek, nello scrivere e dirigere il film, ce ne mostra diversi esempi.
Diverso è Tommaso, che, nato in una famiglia proprietaria di un pastificio, sceglie degli studi "inconsistenti" quali quelli di lettere; diversa è la sua amica Alba (Nicole Grimaudo), unica donna in un ambiente professionale di soli uomini; diversa è la zia Luciana (Elena Sofia Ricci): eccentrica, fin troppo giovanile, nubile. Diversa è la nonna (Ilaria Occhini), who as a young man felt a love that could not be accepted by others and the memory of this feeling accompanies each day of his life. Several of course are all homosexuals, as well as Thomas, who throughout the film are presented.
Most of these people hide their nature, their feelings, their passions and pretends to be a different person in order to better conform to the world he lives so as not to disappoint the expectations of others. Ferzan Ozpetek, through the elegant lines of its interpreters, tells us that such conduct, a life of lies and secrets is not recommended because it leads to an existence not only false and uneasy, but also because of the day day, it inevitably leads to stray into mine.

[...] Read the full review of the film Loose Cannons on

Thursday, February 24, 2011

Menstrual Low Soft Cervix

Glaze Nail Lacquer - Number 281 (Mango) KIKO

Hello guys, another post on the nails! As I said there is only room for all of the pictures and whatever you think about Kiko glazes can be found in the previous post, or by clicking HERE .
enamel that I show you today is the number 281, Mango color:

(click to enlarge)

photograph this color was really difficult: I do not know why but the camera sees this much tending to orange glaze. In reality this is not so .. color is a lot more on .. between the red and the lobster. For this reason, keep better account of the photos I took to the artificial white light, are those that fully reflect the true color.

The color is totally matt finish and has a shiny!

glazes Kiko overall rating: 9 .

rating to single color: 8.

Here are pictures:

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Artificial Light White:

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Luce artificiale gialla:

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Eccovi pure un video:

Non contenta che non sono riuscita a farvi vedere bene il colore originale, ho cercato su Google immagini e ho trovato questa foto che secondo me è abbastanza veritiera (non ho idea di chi l'abbia fatta):

(Clicca per ingrandire)

Bene ragazze, la review è finita qui. Mi dispiace per i colori un po' falsati.. ma vi ricordo di tenere in considerazione le foto a luce artificiale bianca. Ho avuto questi problemi anche per la review del gloss Sun Kissed di Essence che è di un colore molto simile!
A presto!!


Steel Seal Vs Thermagasket


Review the ghost space

Directed by William Lee Wilder Ted Cooper, Tom Daly, Steve Acton, Burt Wenland, Lela Nelson, Harry Landers, Bert Arnold, Sandy Sanders, Harry Strang, Jim Bannon

Review by Biagio Giordano

In coastal California, near Los Angeles, at 7.19 one morning in late spring of 1953, viene avvistato nell'atmosfera, da un centro radar della zona, un luminoso oggetto spaziale che viaggia alla velocità di 8.000 km all'ora, situato a 75.000 piedi di altezza.
L'Ufo utilizza un'energia di tipo magnetico, creando al suo passaggio forti disturbi radio e televisivi; si muove orizzontalmente, cosa che fa escludere l'ipotesi meteorite. I suoi cambi di direzione sono bruschi, improvvisi, tanto da far pensare all'assenza di un piano di volo, e vanno dall'Alaska al polo Nord, dall'equatore a Santa Monica e Vancouver, fino a giungere sul mare a 80 miglia dalla costa di Los Angeles, dove gli aerei della difesa militare arrivano velocemente, ma senza riuscire ad intercettarlo.

Quando tutto sembra terminato e la vita Los Angeles to resume his normal, radio and television stations, located in some places in the area, in turn undergo a strange noise and strong signal, forcing network operators to send mobile patrols at critical points with goniometric instruments can identify sources of interference.
Curiously, in places where there are interference, network operators, mobile patrols always end up to meet those of the police, which by reports of killings and explosions. This suggests that those who commit murder or explosion is triggered in some way responsible for the disturbances at the frequencies of the network.

[...] Read the full review of the film THE PHANTOM OF SPACE on