Saturday, March 5, 2011

Congratulations On Getting A Job Phrases

Bling Blush - No. 05 Pink Chilled - Siberian Flowers KIKO

You know you are FAR too late for the review of this product, but I recently bought the site of Kiko and I saw that some stores still sell it, so I take this opportunity to talk about it. Among other things, I also bought the collection of gold eyeliner Sun Essentials and since it is still present on the site, I will talk about this too! Meanwhile, we move on to blush, I took the only color that was left, number 05, Chilled Pink

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How does?: It This is a pretty pink blush of a soft pink with darker veins with microglitterini. The packaging is absolutely beautiful, very chic. It has a very large mirror, but not inside of a blush brush (better, so they usually always suck or are so small that they barely use them for the eye shadow). Contains 7 grams product and will expire after 18 months of opening.

What do you think?: I've never had an extensive collection of blush! Since I approached more closely to the world of make-up I had just two: a mineral and a compact. That compact, however, is a bit dark for me, and then for a while 'already by purchasing a more delicate blush because I have a really cadaveric skin and any color can be seen too. Wandering on the site of Kiko had seen this for granted and are made so I do not miss!
's really a very pale pink, clear skin is perfect. Plus it gives me slightly iridescent appearance of healthy color, not to mention the fact that completely eliminates the step enlightening cheekbones, thus resulting in iridescence.
E 'modular: it is already writing the first pass, but you can get a more eye-catching with multiple steps, although I honestly do not recommend it because you end cheeks too "light" to the effect of microglitter.
The wafer is very big, I expected more shorty.
The only flaw I find is that I think is too dusty! The first time I found myself pucca brush powder blush everywhere, I too dirty mirror! For this reason we consiglio di prelevarlo a poco a poco, strisciando delicatamente le setole del pennello sul prodotto.. insomma.. niente fretta!
Non è proprio un prodotto da borsetta, prima di tutto perché non ha un pennello in dotazione e poi diciamo che il packaging è abbastanza grande. Si sa, noi donne il sabato sera usiamo delle borsette che a mala pena ci entra il portafogli, le chiavi e un pacchetto di fazzolettini.. ecco.. questa ci entrerebbe forse solo a pressione!!
Ah, ultima cosa.. la cosa carina di queste limitazioni limitate è che i prodotti vengono inseriti all'interno di sacchettini.. carini, ma inutili!!! Personalmente mi scoccia doverlo togliere e mettere ogni volta, quindi mi sa che nel giro di pochi giorni lo fionderò da qualche parte! Piuttosto.. perché la Kiko non lo elimina e ci toglie 1 euro??
Ma comunque, non mi resta altro da dire.. se lo trovate ancora nei negozi non fatevelo scappare!

Il prezzo scontato è di 7.50€, il prezzo intero non lo ricordo.. ma se non sbaglio più di 15€ e potete trovarlo (se siete fortunate) nei negozi Kiko oppure negli outlet Kiko.. purtroppo sul sito l'hanno tolto ieri!!!

Voto: 8 .

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Prodotto non sfumato:

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Prodotto gradient:


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Well girls, the review is over here and see you soon:)



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