Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Fast Food Questionnaire


Recensione paradise now

Regia di Hany Abu-Assad con Kais Nashef, Ali Suliman, Lubna Azabal, Amer Hlehel, Hiam Abbass, Ashraf Barhom

Recensione a cura di Mimmot

Ci vuole molto coraggio ed anche una dose non indifferente di passione politica, per riuscire a parlare della lunga e apparentemente infinita lotta del proprio popolo contro quello che, a tutti gli effetti, viene considerato invasore, senza cadere nella trappola della partigianeria.
Ci vuole coraggio e una forte coscienza civile, per descrivere un conflitto così radicato e violento come quello tra Palestina e Israele, provando hard to be impartial and not trying to drastically take a position on any of the two parties, knowing, with it, raising heated controversy and endless discussion.

The Palestinian director Hany Abu-Assad succeeds with the wonderful "Paradise Now .

[...] Read the full review of the film PARADISE NOW on filmscoop.it

Monday, March 14, 2011

Quicktime Free Naruto Episodes

The best shows ... I think

Reluctantly I could write about the exhibition of Pablo Echaurren only now, when it has been accomplished. Pressing for the same reasons I failed to mention the interesting exhibition of Co.Br.A and Italy, which was held at the National Gallery of Modern Art.
From now on I intend to write more precisely about the shows that I consider interesting, inviting friends of this blog to intervene to facilitate an exchange of impressions and insights.
I also inserted at the bottom of this page on the left, a mirror with the calendar of the shows that I believe are most significant, because they express the spiritual power of art. In this I have no claim to any bias critical, but simply the pleasure of freely share the insights that reflect the visionary artist interior, which is why I chose a light-hearted way. Every comment and every comment on the present and future exhibitions are well received.

Request Letter For Disconnection

Review passion

Directed by Charles Mazzacurati with Silvio Orlando, Giuseppe Battiston, Cristiana Capotondi, Corrado Guzzanti, Kasia Smutniak

Recensione a cura di peucezia

A tre anni dall'ultimo e delicato film " La giusta distanza " (2007), il regista Mazzacurati torna sugli schermi con una storia per certi versi autobiografica su un regista in crisi creativa che a cinquanta anni suonati non è riuscito ancora a sfondare e che, per una serie di avverse circostanze, è costretto a realizzare in cinque giorni appena la sacra rappresentazione del Venerdì santo in un ridente paesello toscano. Diverse le tematiche affrontate dalla storia così come è tranciato in due il tono del film: se la prima parte è senza dubbio tra il comico e il grottesco, la seconda sfocia nel drammatico soprattutto per merito dello stato di grazia di Giuseppe Battiston, former interpreter for Mazzacurati.

Gianni Dubois (Silvio Orlando with a perfect face-dog in order) for five years does not come out with a movie on the screens. Almost forgotten by professionals and not, and without creative material, receives from her agent, a man not prone to sentimentality and computer, the ability to direct a television screen of Divette (Christian Capotondi). Compounding his position comes to blackmail the mayor and councilor of a small Tuscan town: the Passion of Christ, direct local or be terminated for Cultural Heritage for having threatened to destroy a work of art adjacent to the wall of his dilapidated house . The stories that Dubois is invented in a bid to be out of its apathy creative (real tragedy for those who make invention a source of income) are embedded in the intertwining initial and represent a sort of film in the film, not a new gimmick in the film but definitely unsettling to the viewer that it often fails to grasp the ironic intent of the director.

[...] Read the full review of the movie THE PASSION on filmscoop.it

Sunday, March 13, 2011

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Crhomo Sapiens - the demise of pop

sapiens sapiens
Pablo Echaurren - Crhomo
Chromo, the exhibition Pablo Echaurren Rome Museum Foundation, is a container of different themes and artistic languages, almost an overview of what the artist has produced during his career. However, in my opinion, the total exposure system has a specific meaning and importance, perhaps higher than the intentions of the author: a meditation on the essence of Time, which carries out, not without upheaval, his final illusion.

The first room dedicated to Rome, is the keystone of the exhibition: paintings in the artist strove to celebrate the historic splendor, political and metropolitan of the capital, but the icons that are almost caricatures he drew up, ridiculously, as well as excessive leakage and schizzature of color, who tend to devalue the pictorial suggestions, do not galvanize them. Pablo Echaurren I think this was in no way ignorant, so that at the center of the room a umbilicum urbis which is a black and white mosaic depicting skulls, an echo of vanitas, as if to put the lie to the great and powerful form of theater. Death defeats the time, with every project and every illusion, annihilating even the will of the undying myth that the sculpture of the Capitoline she-wolf, under which there are two skulls instead of the ancestral progenitors.

Rome triumphantly decadent, however, is also a metaphor for the decline of proud of modernity. But there is a turn-esoteric: there is simply the manifestation of a dissolution but the call to solve apocalyptic. I noticed that the entire show (and especially the recent works) enacted the raging fury of the legendary Feathered Serpent of the Maya, who had prophesied, just at the present time, the end of the cosmic cycle. There is in the paintings, and even more in the "glottesche" ceramics of Faenza, a swarm of interlocking guzzlers of twists Uroboros who reject the essential energy to the matrix of copulations frantic hopeless generation. Pablo Echaurren seems viscerally feel the present drama of an endless promise of resurrection, because everything that we have been and all that we have proudly built not now contain any possible reality, no prerequisite for development.

Paradoxically, the artist communicates this with the apparent contradiction of the language of pop, in fact, precisely because the pop all'episodicità time is closely related to globalization and mass media, is by its nature, unsuited to the investigation into the mystery Soul. And it is increasingly clear that, to the point where we are, only returning to the authenticity spiritual Being able to share the creation of a new original and regeneration, in other words we have to undress Apparel illusion of time and eternity to recognize our essential , and hence be free to sense and flow. Not by chance that the true genius of the show (as the title says) is the color, primal power of the soul that the artist, beyond tired of the vulgarity, gender, declines with intuitive wisdom.

As we said, we can see in this exhibition the final sunset of pop, transcended virtually the same artist with his work and ceramic sculpture, which shows no unexpected irony classical references. However, the most fascinating of the exhibition is just the multiplication of contradictions, reflections inconsistent and theatricality powerless, because Echaurren shakes us but we are seduced into believing in the truth of his unique spell, so then we must ask ourselves with ruthlessness, and establish ourselves what is true. A small sculpture in this exhibition reminds us that this introspection: a kneeling skeleton presents a mirror and produce a glowing heart consists of a fire opal, as if to say that only a stripping of ourselves - the ego - we think in our most authentic nature and connect to the wisdom of the heart, let me add in passing that the fire opal is the stone of your wisdom and come from Mexico, the land of the Maya.

Friday, March 11, 2011

Rn Malpractice Insurance

Eye Definition September Zoeva

Ciao ragazze! Finalmente mi ritaglio un po' di tempo per questa review che sarà sicuramente molto lunga! Allora, circa un mesetto fa ho comprato questo set insieme ad altri pennelli singoli. Tutti i miei ultimi trucchi li ho fatti utilizzando questi pennelli, quindi mi sento abbastanza sicura da parlarvene!

(Clicca per ingrandire)

Come si presenta?:  Si tratta di un set di 6 pennelli, tutti inseriti all'interno di una pochette rosa brillante, molto appariscente però niente male! Tutti i pennelli misurano circa 14 centimetri, alcuni sono più little ones, like the eyeliner, which is about 12 cm. Each brush is placed inside a transparent bag.

What do you think?: 's really a very nice set! The first time I saw them on the internet I was skeptical because a lot of these sets at a great price so I was never very convinced! Then I decided to make an order to buy some Zoeva single brush and my dear colleague convinced me to take orders well in this set (thank Christ!) And I did not buy better!
But then we go to : All the brushes are short compared to a normal brush, but I assure you that they are quite manageable, you'll never use them! Everyone has a gray body and at the end of the handle bearing the name of the brush!
But there I want to talk individually!

Eye Blender:
It 's a very big brush, dense bristles. This is the only brush that I did not like much, simply because it has really lost so many hairs, both before and during and after washing, and continues to lose its own many! Indeed after the first wash cycle is beginning to lose less, but someone still comes out! With regard to the nuance, shading, but it is a very dense brush, the bristles do not expand well, are fairly compact with each other (so to speak, the Contour Brush as Elf), and then I personally do not use it to blend the colors together, but simply to fade or eyebrow arch put the lighting under the eyebrows. They sell it as a single brush with the number 225 to the price of 4.20 €!

(click to enlarge)

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Bel brush! I find it really good to spread the eye shadow across the eyelid. And 'soft bristles has compact and not too roly-poly, so this allows me to use it easily even under the lower rim of the eye! Did not lose even a nap during the wash! They sell it as a single brush and is number 232, at a cost of € 4.50:

(click to enlarge)

(click to enlarge)

Precise Shader:
This brush has the same form of Shader, or the previous one, but is much smaller. I used the inner corner of the eye and I must say that pinches a bit ', it gives me a little' annoyance, and then use it to generally spread the eyeshadow under the lower rim of the eye and I can assure you it is really very precise ! This is also very soft and has not lost a single hair until now. You can find it as a single brush with the number 235 to € 3.80:

(click to enlarge)

(Click to enlarge)

This brush less than I expected and a little roly-poly 'smaller, but still does its job very well! I am using it to put the eyeshadow under the lower rim of the eye when the Precise Shader is dirty or put the eye shadow to the inner corner of the eye! Did not lose even a hair and is soft! You can find it as a single brush with the number 226 to € 4.20!

(click to enlarge)

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(click to enlarge)

Fine Eyeliner:
I love this brush! Finally I can say I can do even a decent line of eyeliner! It has the slightly curved handle, and this really makes all the work! Then it is fine then lets make thin lines. With the other brushes for eyeliner I could never make a thin line the inner corner of the eye, with this I can finally and above all I do is simple outside corner tail! Since I never renounce this brush to put the eyeliner! FANTASTIC!
obviously did not lose even a hair. You can find it as a single brush with the number 315 to the price of 3.20 €!

(click to enlarge)

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(click to enlarge)

And finally the piece de resistance!

I admit it! When I opened the pouch for the first time I'm screwed for all other brushes and the first one I got was this is to compare it with the Mac 219, but for now I will not tell you what is best for me because I will make a short match between brushes! However, soft, is pointed and is also very accurate! Really a great brush! I use it in all my tricks in the crease of the eye because it is really precise. Zoeva was to create a little 'before! Did not lose hair and never deformed during the washing! You can find it as a single brush with the number 230 to the negligible cost of € 3.80! If you do not want to buy the whole set, I highly recommend this brush to get at least .. for me is a must-have!

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Well, as you understand I'm totally excited! I decided to use this set for my trip but I like it so much that I use them every time I put on makeup! Li straconsiglio!
I also find that the clutch is really useful because it is big enough to get us into other brushes such as those of the baseline of Elf!

But the really amazing thing is the price! If you wanted to buy each brush individually, you would have spent about 24 € and instead set can be found at a price of € 16 , affordable web Zoeva course that has finally decided to lower the price of shipping (only € 7.50 now against the 16 euro one-time): https: / / www.zoeva-shop.de/en/ .

Regarding the shipment arrived to me in about 5 days and the package was well packed!

Rating: 9.5 .

I leave you with more pictures:

(click to enlarge)

In this picture I show you the difference between the size of brushes Popular:

From above: Sigma E40 (ex SS224), "C" Brush Elf, Mac 217 and finally the Precise Shader Zoeva:

(click to enlarge)

entire clutch with brushes inside it was placed inside this box (the give my reflection :-D):

(click to enlarge)

And here's the clutch:

(click to enlarge)

And with this last picture show you what is very small:

(click to enlarge)

Well girls, the review is over here! I hope to be helpful! Let your opinions and for those who already have the set, let me know how you found!
you soon!


How To Catch Shiny Pokemon In Heart Gold

Review Review Review

Review the fighter

Directed by David O. Russell with Mark Wahlberg, Christian Bale, Amy Adams, Melissa Leo, Jack McGee, Dendrite Taylor, Mickey O'Keefe, Melissa McMeekin, Caitlin Dwyer, Bianca Hunter, Erica McDermott, Jill Quigg

Review by Luke07 (rating: 8.0)

" A winner is a dreamer who has not surrendered .
Nelson Mandela

Mickey "Irish" Ward is a decent boxer who, with the help of his half-brother Dicky Eklund and former glory, tries to emerge to rescue a life full of disappointments and failures. Bound by a deep affection for the family, especially to his brother (for which nourishes a sincere reverence) but also to his mother Alice, who acts as his manager, Mickey still feels unfulfilled.
E 'aware that his own parenti costituiscono una zavorra ai suoi sogni di gloria e che lo mantengono ancorato a quella mediocrità che lo tormenta e lo divora. L'incontro con la bella barista Charlene cambierà la sua vita, facendogli scoprire di valere molto più di quanto avesse mai immaginato.


Leggi la recensione completa del film THE FIGHTER su filmscoop.it

Sony Sound Forge 9 Vocal Eraser


Recensione il delitto perfetto

Regia di Alfred Hitchcock con Grace Kelly, Ray Milland, Robert Cummings, John Williams

Recensione a cura di antoniuccio (voto: 10,0)

Tony e Margot Wendice sono sposati ma non si amano: lui è un ex tennista di successo, lei un'ereditiera. Margot ha un amante, Mark, e Tony lo sa.
È riuscito a scoprirlo perché Margot si è fatta scorgere mentre spostava di borsetta in borsetta una lettera di Mark; Tony con uno stratagemma "ruba" la borsetta e, dopo averla privata della lettera, lascia che la moglie la ritrovi agli oggetti smarriti di Victoria Station.
Margot crede, così, che uno sconosciuto sappia tutto e la stia ricattando. In realtà è Tony che le ha spedito una lettera anonima, perché ha ben altro in mente. Questo è un passo fondamentale per comprendere il prosieguo della storia.

Tony ha deciso di eliminare la moglie e quindi si rivolge a un suo ex compagno di università che ha avuto nel tempo diverse avventure con la polizia. Swann - questo è il nome del potenziale assassino - si mostra inizialmente restio a tornare a fare i conti con la giustizia, ma Tony è molto abile nel trasformare una proposta in un bieco ricatto: se non procederà con l'omicidio, lui avrà tutte le carte in regola per accusarlo del furto della borsetta della moglie, nella quale c'era la famosa lettera.
Inaspettatamente però, e malgrado il congegno dell'omicidio sia stato curato al dettaglio, Margot per legittima difesa uccide il suo aggressore.
Tony riesce tuttavia a trasformare le tracce di una legittima difesa in un omicidio premeditato, fino a rendere Margot colpevole dell'omicidio di Swann. È proprio combinando alcuni oggetti ad arte, tra cui la famosa lettera estratta dalla borsetta, che le circostanze sembrano accusare Margot di aver architettato tutta la messa in scena per liberarsi del suo ricattatore.
Fortunatamente l'errore è sempre in agguato e l'ispettore Hubbard riesce a trovarlo, salvando Margot dal patibolo.


Leggi la recensione completa del film IL DELITTO PERFETTO su filmscoop.it

Thursday, March 10, 2011

What Does Wildcard Mean In Baseball

Recensione un gelido inverno

Regia di Debra Granik with Jennifer Lawrence, John Hawkes, Kevin Breznahan, Dale Dickey, Garret Dillahunt, Shelley Waggener, Lauren Sweetser, Ashlee Thompson, William White, Casey MacLaren, Isaiah Stone, Valerie Richards, Beth Domann, Tate Taylor, Cody Brown, Ronnie Hall, Sheryl The

Review by Mimmot

Forget America's glamorous Fifth Avenue or the exclusive high-rise luxury Upper East Side, forget Beverly Hills and Santa Monica, Hollywood and Sunset Boulevard's elegant, dell'agiatezza forget America and the picturesque landscape, here we are among the lost lands of Missouri, in raw, bleak, cold landscape of the Ozarks mountains, a place grim, grim and inospitale. Sono i luoghi dell’America rurale, cattiva, spietata.
Ozarks, appunto, quasi montagne anche se è solo un altipiano, tra gli Appalachi a destra e le Montagne Rocciose a sinistra.
E questi nel Missouri sono i luoghi più remoti della provincia americana, da affrontare  con coraggio e a muso duro, dove la vita e difficile e l'America edulcorata dei manifesti è solo un miraggio. Ed è qui, nel cuore di questo freddo altipiano, che è ambientato il film di Debra Granik, " Un gelido inverno ", aderente trasposizione cinematografica del romanzo omonimo di Daniel Woodrell, autore che nutre le sue opere della stessa atmosfera che avvolge i luoghi che ama e che conosce molto bene.

In this land on the edge of the United States, in an old wooden shack, lives Ree, a seventeen year old girl crushed by poverty and become an adult too quickly. Ree
cradle a dream of flight, that never come true: join the army of the United States. In the meantime, she is forced to take care of her two brothers, making the place of his mother, fell into depression for the misdeeds of her husband.
Ree has spent his young life dedicated to his family, taking care of younger siblings, getting them food, worrying about going to school, doing the real work that other kids his age play, to play with dolls . She also is not a lot of trouble fault of his own: his father, in fact, a small producer of amphetamines (like most other men in the community) is jailed for drug dealing. It is now out of prison and before he disappeared into thin air, has mortgaged the house where her family lives and the forest that surrounds it, to pay a deposit and enjoy an interlude of freedom, before secure a conviction.
were not present at the hearing soon, the cabin and the wood would be confiscated and Ree and her family put into the street. To avert the danger
Ree he began traveling in the footsteps of his father, to force him to appear in court. Journey, however, perhaps it is too big a word because the journey is an aspiration, a necessity, the soul is the place where dreams are born great and runs fast mind, where time is poetry and a step is never equal to that which preceded it, or what will follow.
here is not so, because the trip Ree, born of the need, need to find out what happened to his father, not to lose all that remains is to continue to fight for the survival of his family.

[...] Read the full review of the film A cold winter on filmscoop.it