Per fare questo esercizio di arteterapia meditativa bisogna disporre una tela, un pannello da pittura, oppure un foglio di carta da acquerelli; in ogni caso la superficie da dipingere dev'essere sufficientemente grande, almeno di cm. 40 X 50. Il supporto della pittura dev'essere posizionato verticalmente, in modo da poter rispecchiare le attività energetiche che promanano dai chakra del pittore; nel caso di una tela o di un pannello basta the stand, but if you choose the card that is also mounted on a plywood board. I believe that the most suitable colors for the financial year is the time, but you can also use watercolors or acrylics. In summary, you need: a support on which to paint large enough, to be placed in vertical orientation; a tripod (alternatively it's OK to hang on to the wall) if you use the card, a support on which to secure the plywood sheet; colors, brushes, a container with water and containers to dilute the colors.
Before starting to paint, you have to write in a notebook a series of at least 12 emotions such as love, anger , shame, compassion, joy, peace, sadness, jealousy, pleasure, satisfaction, sorrow, sadness. Having prepared the work station, take the first word entered and, looking at the white section of the paper, it establishes the point that he feels most appropriate to represent it with colors and brushes. The representation of emotion can be a simple game of strokes, running intuitively colors and strokes, or it may take a more precise characterization (a geometric shape, a symbol, a figure), but in any case, the act of painting must be internally motivated, and empathy with totals. We work with intensity and playfulness, without any anxiety about the result. Then you shall do the same with the emotion the following: you decide where to place it and you go to develop it with painting. And so on for all the emotions that have been written. During the work, the game can get to lick the brush a painting already done, but no smear or cover it only partially.
the end, the artist has painted a geography soul which reflects the flow and reflections of different emotions. Contemplating the panorama, he will examine the different focal points and the way they are next to each other, hence can draw many insights. With detached contemplation, osmotically absorb content animici espressi istintivamente con il pennello e i colori.
Una fase ulteriore del lavoro consisterà nell'armonizzazione complessiva dell'opera, che apparirà slegata in episodi distinti; nel far questo, egli dovrà trascurare le parzialità delle diverse emozioni ed elaborare un quadro unitario, apportando in modo significativo le necessarie modifiche. In tal modo reintegrerà e svilupperà alchemicamente il tessuto animico già formato, tanto nella pittura che nella dimensione interiore.